So obviously I’m still trying to find the balance to be able to handle school, and the shop, and homelife, and maybe having an actual job (I either need to have the time to spend making money on etsy, or I am guaranteed money but no one seems to want to hire me)
I am trying desperately to make my shop work. Because I like but business aspect of this, I quite enjoy the networking, the promoting. However I really hate how etsy is trying to change too much too fast to make things more network like. Dear Etsy, stop trying to be like facebook. Thanks…
I don’t like how they changed the forums and force you to join teams. This forced me to join some teams, but many teams its required to go places, to do things, and I just don’t have time for that. I need to be able to take my hour between classes to handle my responsibilities. I found a few awesome Teams tho. One is a pay it forward Team. I love the idea of creating this web, this network of people. The rule is, you must create a treasury (a list of 16 favorites following any theme) every time you are featured in a treasury. 1 day in the Team and I’ve already been featured here:
I also made my required treasury, called waiting for spring… It’s a cold dank rainy day here in Baltimore, following a week of nice sunny 70 degree winter. I happen to be on spring break this week and they are calling for snow tonight…
now i still have to find time in the next 3 days to do laundry, clean the house (which in my family is not just a quick tidy, it's a 20 minute effort to find the table to eat dinner, an hour if you all want to eat together at the same time... i hate living there) i also have to take a mid term for my Judaism, Christianity and Islam class, I have to keep jessie's nerves calm and tomorrow is a do no work, relax day since she is taking the MCAT on saturday. She's really prepared and ready but as usual with these kinds of big tests she has anxiety. It really has been hard on her since her mama died, and she has to live with my cruddy family. I'm struggling to keep my own head above water most days and break away from them, get a job and move the hell out. but i just keep on truckin and moving forward...