Saturday, January 21, 2012

moving on...

so, i finished my last semester of my undergraduate career just before christmas, but my roomie has another semester to go. I was very worried about not being able to find a job (any job) since it's so hard right now. but alas, thanks to my good friend Adorably Dead I was able to get a job with her. I'm not sure exactly what part she had in getting me the job, but she gets all the credit lol.

so i've spent every day this week in training. Its been half shifts but it still feels kind of awkward. Im my entire life, i've never been able to sign out of a computer, and be done, go home, leave work at work. I mean even when i worked at the mini golf, my sister, mother, and all my friends got jobs there too, so when i walked out of work i was usually driving someone else there, and of course my mom puts to much of herself into everything so she got emotionally invested, which was fine when bill was there... he was all for making it a better business.

but it's so weird that when the clock hits that last minute, i can sign out and walk out that door. It feels... almost dirty. no time clock to punch. nothing to pack up and put away. nothing.

which is absolutley LOVELY.

so i have been able to come home, and spend the afternoon doing things. except that since i've been sick it's mostly been napping and drinking tea.

i still feel a bit in limbo, because in a week it all changes again. once chicky goes back to school, and i start working real shifts, we'll have to be extremely coordinated. With classes, MCAT studying, crafting, the etsy store, and scouts, oh and life, paying bills, i often forget to do laundry.

and it doesnt' help that the other 3 members of my house not only don't support us trying to move on and grow up, they actually hinder it.

so i'm going to enjoy what i can today. This is my last day off until camp next week so i'm not sure how i'm going to feel in the week do come.

1 comment:

Tracie said...

Sounds like you have a busy life. I remember those days...busy and exhausting. Nice post!