Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October Holidays, Not Just Halloween!

Ever consider celebrating holidays OTHER than the ones we hold dear to our hearts? Well, then you should know that October isn't just about Halloween anymore!

October 10th, 2012 is National Cake Decorating Day!

Here are some things you might want to try today to honor this awesome holiday....

1) Invite some friends over tonight for a cupcake-decorating competition
2) Practice your icing "technique" by making a yummy dessert
3) Try out a new cake recipe or Frosting recipe
4) Create a truly one-of-a-kind dessert recipe that you can share with others! (you can even post it here for us to see)

Even though cake decorating is an art form that requires patience and experience, you can still give it your best try. What could be more fun or yummy than celebrating cake? Let the delicousness begin!

TIP: Let your cake cool completly BEFORE your icing it. Otherwise, you will have a mess on your hands.

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